Dry Martini Cocktail

Dry Martini is one of the worlds most famous cocktails. It’s made with gin and dry vermouth in different proportions varying from 2:1 to 100:1. These variations would taste differently for sure and it’s up to you to decide.

Brooklyn Cocktail

A Manhattan is likely to be one of the most well known and famous cocktails throughout the world. However there are other New York borough based cocktails, and this time we will stir a Brooklyn cocktail. Just like a Manhattan it’s based around whiskey (we use bourbon), but it also contains dry vermouth (instead of sweet) as well… Continue reading Brooklyn Cocktail

Annabel’s Special Cocktail

This cocktail is from Annabel’s club in London’s Berkeley Square. Annabel’s opened already in 1963 and is supposed to be a very stylish and sophisticated night club and restaurant. We haven’t visited, but trust William Yeoward’s words in his book American Bar.

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