Princess Mary’s Pride Cocktail

In Harry Craddock’s legendary “The Savoy Cocktail Book” we found the recipe for this cocktail, created already in 1922 to mark the wedding celebrations of Her Royal Highness Princess Mary.


What’s in it

1/4 dry vermouth

1/4 dubonnet

1/2 calvados

Shake and strain into a cocktail glass


It’s the dubonnet, a french aperitif, that gives the cocktail it’s intense red color. And as dubonnet only contains just under 15 percent alcohol, it means the cocktail doesn’t get too boozy despite the calvados.


If this recipe was created today the cocktail would probably have been stirred rather than shaken. But oh how we shook, paying our homage to the original recipe!


Princess Mary’s Pride Cocktail is a cocktail that’s easy to drink. It’s not very boozy, which was probably a good thing when royalties were drinking it back in 1922. If you serve the cocktail in pre chilled glasses it stays fresh for a long time, so this is a perfect cocktail to sip on while engaging in a conversation, royalty or not…


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