We think this one is so interesting. It is made with two bottles that we had never heard of before, but that we instantly fell in love with the moment we sipped them.
The vermut from Yerbasanta has this earthy, muted flavour profile that we adore so much. It is very rich in taste, and the ruby red colour certainly entices. We paired it with some other quite potent products here, but it still stood up and gave the drink a lot of character. We have tried their white vermut as well, and it is equally wonderful – but more of that in another post.
The gin from La República is very much “in your face”, and we mean that in the best of ways. Nothing is more fantastic than a high quality gin that lets you know it’s in there, in the cocktail, but still allows other ingredients flavour the whole.
Both bottles are from Bolivia, and it is very exciting with these South American products that only gets better and better in quality and with all right is somehow starting to sweep the world. It is definitely not only Pisco that’s made in that part of the world.
Combining with Cognac and herbal Chartreuse might sound bold, but wow was that move rewarding. It creates this rather stiff drink, high on alcohol, that we decided to enjoy in a few smaller glasses rather than one big.
Recipe by Cocktail Detour
1,5 oz La República gin
1 oz Yerbasanta red vermouth
0,5 oz Cognac
1 barspoon yellow Chartreuse
1 dash bitters
Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into a coupe.