Golden Lion Cocktail


TheĀ Golden LionĀ cocktail recipe we picked up from Greg Henry’s excellent book “Savory Cocktails“. Seeing Galliano in the ingredient list made us intrigued, and when we saw it was paired with two other yellow spirits, aquavit and dry vermouth, we had to give it a try.

What’s in it

1,5 oz dry vermouth

0,75 oz aquavit

0,5 oz galliano

2 dashes celery bitters

Stir with ice for at least 20 seconds.

We cooled our bottles in the Swedish snow, and were able to take a rather cool picture at the same time. The cocktail ended up being just as yellow as expected. There are a lot of bitter flavors in it, both from the aquavit, the vermouth and of course the celery bitters. Those who prefer sweeter drinks will probably not appreciate the Golden Lion, but if you’re in to a bitter cocktail with vanilla and herbal notes (from the Galliano) this might be one to try.

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