The Jones Family Project – London

Yes, this is primarily a restaurant. But The Jones Family Project in London’s Shoreditch area has a very intriguing cocktail list as well. There are no classics on the list though, this is a signature cocktails only kind of list.

First choice was a Cantalupita made with favorite spirit mezcal, suplemented with melon, lime and interesting tarragon salt. It’s a smokey experience due to the mezcal, but at the same time extremely fruity thanks to the melon and lime. The tarragon salt makes an interesting rim, contrasting well with the sweet melon flavors.

Second round offered a Teatotal-Tastic. This was a tiki drink served in a characteristic ceramic green glass. The cocktail was made with appleton rum infused with green tea, cognac, lime, birch and cherry heering. Although a bit sweet, this cocktail was a very nice experience. Served ice cold, the tea flavors made this a very refreshing and cooling drink. Perfect on this very hot day in London.

Overall The Jones Family Project made a strong impression, both food wise and drink wise. This might actually become a London favorite…









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