Conference Cocktail

This is another nice cocktail from Death & Co’s excellent book. The cocktail is made with a lot of ingredients, however all of them are common. It’s still an unusual drink though, as it’s made with both whiskey, calvados and cognac – hence combining two very different base spirits.

The result is pure geniality. A very potent cocktail of course, served in sturdy glassware over a huge ice cube. This cocktails screams sophistication, and its bronze color really matches the current autumn to winter switch. The added orange zest adds both taste and visuals.

So go ahead and stir a Conference next time you fancy something strong and boozy.


What’s in it?

0,5 oz rye

0,5 oz bourbon

0,5 oz calvados

0,5 oz cognac

1 bar spoon simple syrup

2 dashes angostura bitters

1 dash chocolate bitters

Stirred not shaken of course.




Many bottles are needed . . .



A great cocktail book.



Resulting in a great cocktail . . .




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